Analysis of (and APIs for) We Rule and We Farm actions

For anyone who hasn’t had the pleasure to rock either of ngmoco:)’s great iPhone/iPad game titles, We Rule and We Farm, this post will make little sense. If, however, you are a fan of the “Farmville in medieval times” and the “Farmville in, well, Farmville times” game titles that are all the rage with the […]


iPhone OS for Apple TV?

Back in 2008 just after the iPhone had received its first major OS revision, I posited that Apple would update its Apple TV to use iPhone OS apps. Nothing of the sort has happened… yet. But now, with Google TV having just been announced at Google I/O (where its Android platform powers the Apps, the […]


Defining Location

At a recent Yahoo! Internal Hack Day, Mac developer powerhouse Karl Adam demonstrated an App he dubbed “Campus.” For any Yahoo! employee that installs it, one can locate a conference room by name or location in the campus’ multi-storied halls. The App’s visual representation of the buildings are handled by beautifully-rendered illustrations (by Kalani Kordus) […]


Yahoo! Social Platform SDK for Mac OS X and iPhone

This past week (just in time to beat WWDC), my team released code to integrate Yahoo!’s Social Platform APIs into your Mac OS X and iPhone applications. Announced on the YDN blog and pushed to our GitHub account, the code gives any developer access to the following: Read the profile of your user (photo, nickname, […]

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Browsing others’ brains

Folks who know me know I’m a fan of Google Reader; to date, I haven’t found a better consumption experience for reading and responding to all types of content that I’m interested in. Not only does it have a lightweight interface, it provides a social lens to see what my friends and colleagues find interesting […]


Apple TV as an Extension of the iPhone Platform

The Apple TV and the iPhone will (at some point) converge as a single development platform to complement the Mac computer platform. Or so my theory goes. Why is that? Apple dropped the Apple TV on consumers in January 2007 as a “hobby.” Since then, it has released several software updates, including a major on-demand […]

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7 Missing Features from the WordPress for iPhone App

The Wednesday morning before last, I was excited to see that WordPress released an official iPhone application to the world. I instantly downloaded it, and added several of my WordPress blogs to the app. Aside from the annoying Twitter Tools glitch (which sent an empty tweet on blog setup), I was surprised to see some […]

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My 2008 Apple Wishlist: iPhone/iPod

As a send-off to 2007, I’m assembling my 2008 Apple wishlist, as mentioned in my previous posts. I’m not asking for new products… just enhancements that would make their products better for users like me. iPhone/iPod Apple must be inundated with idea after idea on how to improve or really make the iPhone a better […]

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My 2008 Apple Wishlist: .Mac

I’ve been known to be called an Apple fanboy before… mostly by those in my family (three of whom then purchased MacBooks in the last year). That’s OK; I am a big fan of Apple. While a Mac was not my first computer (that honor goes to the VIC-20 followed by a series of Apple […]

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