on OLPC Laptop

(Mountain View, CA) – Having just received his personal laptop from the One Laptop Per Child program’s Give One, Get One program, Micah Laaker did what he does with any Web-connected device he can get this hands on: he loaded on OLPC laptop screen on OLPC Laptop, originally uploaded by mlaaker.

“I know the first thing most kids will do when receiving this (or another) laptop is to 1) crack into the neighbors’ Wi-Fi, 2) manually enter ‘’ into the Web browser, and 3) bookmark the site for easy access in the future,” said Mr. Laaker. “I can’t let them down. needs to work, right out of the box, in the most environments imaginable.”

Proving his team’s unerring and unending Quality Assurance program has paid dividends, the site loaded blazingly fast.

“Tonight, children everywhere (and their parents, too) can rest well knowing that will be there with them to learn, laugh, and grow today, tomorrow, and the day or two after tomorrow (whichever comes first),” said Laaker. “Whether its on one of these green-and-white beauties, an iPhone, or some other fancy new device, we’ll be there in working order with them.”

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  1. Eric Marcoullier said,

    December 21, 2007 @ 10:28 am

    “ — Doin’ it for, but never to, the kids.”

  2. Eric Marcoullier said,

    December 21, 2007 @ 10:28 am

    “ — Doin’ it for, but never to, the kids.”

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